How To Copy Url On Mac

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Note: When you use this method, there are chances that you may unwillingly and unknowingly copy or move the folder instead of making its shortcut. Press Command (⌘) + Z to undo and try again, or use the first method. Add Folder Shortcuts to Dock on Mac. I recently wrote a post where I explained how to add website shortcuts to. Windows and Mac: Find the link you want to copy. You can copy links from websites, emails, Word. The easiest way to create and share a link to an iOS, Mac app. Using the URL shortener, you can quickly and easily share a direct link to an app without having to launch the App Store.

The URL (address) of the web page can be selected, highlighted, and copied to your clipboard from your address bar. After you copy it, you can paste it into another program or document (an e-mail, for example). For additional methods of copying or sharing a URL, continue reading.

Copy a URL (address) on a desktop or laptop

  1. Highlight the address by moving your mousecursor over the address bar and clicking the left mouse button once or press the F6 keyboard shortcut to get into the address bar.

How To Copy Link To Desktop

  1. After the address is highlighted, press Ctrl+C or Cmd+C on the keyboard to copy it. You can also right-click any highlighted section and choose Copy from the drop-down menu.
  2. Once the address is copied, paste that address into another program by clicking a blank field and pressing Ctrl+V or Cmd+V. You may also right-click any highlighted section and choose Paste from the drop-down menu.

Many web pages, including Computer Hope, have a Share or E-Mail link that allows you to share it with friends.

Practice pasting URL

You can practice copying and pasting the URL of this page by following the above steps and then pasting the URL into the text box, below.

If done properly, '' will be in the above box.

Copy an address link on a smartphone or tablet

  1. Open your preferred mobile Internet browser.
  2. Locate the address link you would like to copy.

If the address bar is not visible, try scrolling up using your finger. Also, keep in mind that an address bar is only going to be visible in a browser app. If you're viewing a web page through another app, it may not be available.

  1. Tap the address bar once to highlight all the text contained within it.
  2. Long press the highlighted text and select Copy.
    • On smaller devices, the symbol for copying text looks like two identical pieces of paper.
  3. Open the app where you would like to paste the address.
  4. Long press again and select Paste.

Practice pasting URL

You can practice copying and pasting the URL of this page into the box below by following the steps above.

If done properly, '' should be in the above box.

Copying a YouTube video link on website and app


You can also use the how to copy a URL steps mentioned above to copy a YouTube video link. We're including the steps below as an alternative method of copying a video link.

On the desktop and mobile, you can click the share icon that should resemble the share icon shown in the picture below. Once you click the share link, in addition to the social networking services, the URL of the video that can be copied and pasted anywhere.

Shortening a long address or URL

Some web pages may have a long URL that can present problems when it is pasted into another program, especially an e-mail. If the link you are interested in is long (more than 60 characters), copy and paste the URL into a web page that creates a short link. Our favorite short link service is Tiny URL.

How To Copy Url On Macbook

  • Full listing of services that help create small easy to read URLs.

There are also many browser add-ons and extensions that you can utilize to make copying long addresses easier.

Copying a link or picture within a page

To copy the address of a link or image, right-click the link the object and select Copy link address or Copy image from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, users may view the properties of the link and copy the URL from within that menu.

Additional information

  • See the copy, hyperlink, paste, and URL definitions for further information.

If you just bought your first MacBook Pro or if you've just switched from a Windows based computer over to an Apple computer, it can take a little while to get comfortable with your new machine. There are plenty of new features, menus, apps, and shortcuts to discover as you get familiar with a new computer like a MacBook Pro. Even if you've had a MacBook for a while, the new operating system macOS can require time to understand new functions.

One great function of computers that everyone should learn is how to Copy and Paste. This is a basic function available on just about every computer out there and with a MacBook Pro you can perform this task easily, once you know how. Knowing how to copy and paste is a great way to speed up your workflow and is one of those basic computer operations that you might end up using almost every day.

Why Copy and Paste is Useful on Your MacBook Pro

Your MacBook Pro is a high-end laptop computer capable of running multiple demanding computing tasks. Even though it is a powerful and highly engineered machine, basic computing tasks are still essential and knowing how to use these simple functions will allow you to utilize the more powerful aspects of your computer down the road.

How To Copy Url On Mac

The copy and paste functions on your computer are extremely useful and come into play with many normal daily tasks. Say you want to copy a web link from another website or email into your browser. Instead of typing a long website address, copy and paste allows you to insert the address in your browser with a few clicks. Or maybe you are working on an email and want to insert a quote or photograph – copy and paste makes quick work of this as well.

You can see how important the ability to copy and paste is and unless you are completely new to using a computer, chances are you've used these functions at some point before. You might only know of one way to perform the task but there are actually several ways to accomplish the function on your MacBook Pro. Getting familiar with all of these can be beneficial as there are different situations in which you might want to use different copy and paste methods.

How to Copy and Paste on MacBook Pro

Method 1: Key Commands

First things first, let's show you the basic key commands that will allow you to copy and paste on your MacBook Pro. These key commands are also known as shortcuts because they allow you to perform the function in the fastest way possible. Getting familiar with these shortcuts is highly recommended as it will allow you to copy and paste anything you want really quickly.

The key command for Copy on your MacBook Pro is Command (⌘) C. How much is excel for mac.

The key command for Paste on your MacBook Pro is Command (⌘) V.

These are the quickest and easiest keyboard shortcuts to know that will allow you to copy and paste anything you want.

Let's say you want to copy and paste some text or a web address. First highlight the text or address with your trackpad or mouse. Everything you highlight will react to the key commands so double check to make sure you have selected the correct information. Now, with the text highlighted, hit the Command (⌘) and C keys at the same time. It might seem like nothing happened but this will copy the text to your clipboard.

How To Copy Url On Mac

Next, place your cursor in an email, document, web browser address bar, or any other location in which you want the copied text to be pasted. Once the cursor is in the location you desire, hit the Command (⌘) and V keys at the same time. Your copied text is now pasted to your desired location. It's as simple as that.

Method 2: Right Click/Control Click

How To Copy Url On Macbook Air

Sometimes, you might want to use another method to copy and paste. For example, if you're copying photos or images it can be a little harder to highlight these with your trackpad or mouse so another method is good here. There are two other methods to copy and paste so let's take a look at those as well.

Another way to copy and paste is to use the right-click or control click feature on your MacBook Pro. Say you want to copy and paste and image. Hold the Control key down and then click on the image with your trackpad or mouse. A menu will pop up and you can scroll down to click on the Copy option.

To paste this image you can place the cursor in the correct location, just like before and hit Command (⌘) V or you can use the right click method and this time click on Paste.

Method 3: Highlight and Copy

The final method to copy and paste on your MacBook Pro is to highlight the text or image or whatever other piece of data you want to be copied and use the options found in the Edit menu to complete the task. Once you have everything highlighted click on the Edit menu in the top part of the screen and then click on Copy from this menu. Again, place the cursor where you want things to be pasted, click back on the Edit menu and then click Paste.

Final Thoughts

The ability to copy and paste is one of those easy computer functions that everyone should know how to do. If you've never done this before, don't worry because it's really easy to learn how. Follow the easy steps above and you'll quickly be able to copy and paste anything you wish using the key commands or edit menu. Once you know how to copy and paste you can speed up many daily tasks on your computer.

What do you usually use copy and paste for?

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